Civil/Commercial/Intelligent Sensors
Time:2022-08-15 Views:
1. Light source interference is divided into strong light interference and reflection interference. Both of these disturbances are relatively easy to resolve. Where safety light curtains are used, ordinary lights can be used instead of strong lights. Reflection interference is due to the presence of a relatively bright object or mirror in the vicinity of the safety light grid, which can be solved by moving it out of the light curtain protection area. Light curtain manufacturers
2. Frequency converter interference, this is a problem encountered by ordinary domestic light screens. In this case, there are several ways to solve it. 1. Is there a shield wire in the communication cable used for the light grid? If so, you must connect the shield wire and the ground wire; 2. Avoid wiring where there is an inverter; 3. An intermediate relay is connected to the signal wire of the light grid In order to isolate the interference signal, and the power supply on the machine cannot be used in the grating field, it is necessary to add an independent switching power supply. This advantage is also to avoid the interference signal being connected to the light curtain through the power supply; 4. If all the above problems cannot be solved, the manufacturer can go to the field to test according to the actual situation, and then modify it inside the light grid according to the interference source of the equipment. Light curtain manufacturers
3. Position juxtaposition interference means that the two machines installed on the grating are relatively close, or two light curtains are installed on one machine in parallel, and the signal sent by the transmitter of the first grating is also transmitted by the receiver of the second grating. received, and therefore collocated interference, this problem is relatively easy to solve. As long as we slightly stagger the positions of the two sets of light curtains, or exchange the positions of a set of light grid transmitters and receivers, the problem can be solved.
4. External high-strength signal interference, which is rarely encountered. In some factories, using wireless or specific frequency transmitters on the shop floor can also cause interference with gratings, so you need to stay away from these signals or turn them off. Light curtain manufacturers
When using a safety device, try to avoid using the light curtain around high-frequency machines, and deal with the grounding wire of the safety device grating. The normal use of a safety device light curtain is not only to connect the wires correctly, but also to perform regular maintenance so that the safety device light curtain can be used continuously. Light curtain manufacturers